To provide programmatic access to the database, the MetaboAge website includes an API that allows querying the database. Users can request:

1. the metabolites included in the database (which will return a list of pairs ID/names);


Parameter Required Type Description
format Optional string Use json or api.



2. aging-related information on a specific metabolite, providing the metabolite ID and receiving a list of entries with metabolite variations.


Parameter Required Type Description
metabolite_id Optional integer Metabolite id. For multiple instances, split by comma (",").
format Optional string Use json or api.



Each entry will include the metabolite ID, the method of detection, the mean value of the metabolite, beta value or log2 value, the standard deviation or the standard error, unit of measurement, the age group, the gender, the sample source, and the corresponding PubMed ID. For those metabolites that have more than one variation in the database, the output will consist of distinct lines with the aforementioned information, each line representing one variation. The data can be requested either in a JSON or API format.